We produce

Naphtalene sulfonate based products

Naphthalene sulfonate enhances water-reducing properties of the admixture and improves concrete workability and durability

Liquid form

Supplied in tank-truck and IBC containers

Powder form

Supplied in 640 kg big bags and 25 kg bags

Superplasticizers (PCE) Geopolymix

Additive for mixes with gypsum binders, portland cements binders, complex binders (gypsum+cement), high alumina cements

Powder form

Supplied in Multi-layer paper bags with the polyethylene liner of 25 kg or big bags up to 500 kg

Redispersible Polymer Powders (RDP) Geokem

Water-redispersible polymer powder based on a copolymer of vinyl acetate and vinyl ester of versatic acid. Polyvinyl alcohol is used as a protective colloid.

Powder form

Supplied in Multi-layer paper bags with the polyethylene liner of 25 kg or big bags up to 500 kg

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